
Embed the WASM app into your Go Host app

In the previous chapter, we learned how to create a WASM app using Rust and wasmedge-bindgen tool. In this chapter, I will walk you through how to embed the compiled WASM app into your Go Host app.

The Go Host Application

In the Go host application, you can create and set up the WasmEdge VM using the WasmEdge Go SDK.

However, instead of calling vm.Instantiate(), you should now call bindgen.Instantiate(vm) to instantiate the VM and return a bindgen object.

func main() {
// Expected Args[0]: program name (./bindgen_funcs)
// Expected Args[1]: wasm file (rust_bindgen_funcs_lib.wasm))

var conf = wasmedge.NewConfigure(wasmedge.WASI)
var vm = wasmedge.NewVMWithConfig(conf)
var wasi = vm.GetImportModule(wasmedge.WASI)
os.Args[1:], // The args
os.Environ(), // The envs
[]string{".:."}, // The mapping preopens

// Instantiate the bindgen and vm
bg := bindgen.Instantiate(vm)

Next, you can call any [wasmedge_bindgen] annotated functions in the VM via the bindgen object.

  // create_line: string, string, string -> string (inputs are JSON stringified)
res, err := bg.Execute("create_line", "{\"x\":2.5,\"y\":7.8}", "{\"x\":2.5,\"y\":5.8}", "A thin red line")
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("Run bindgen -- create_line:", string(res))
} else {
fmt.Println("Run bindgen -- create_line FAILED", err)

// say: string -> string
res, err = bg.Execute("say", "bindgen funcs test")
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("Run bindgen -- say:", string(res))
} else {
fmt.Println("Run bindgen -- say FAILED")

// obfusticate: string -> string
res, err = bg.Execute("obfusticate", "A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("Run bindgen -- obfusticate:", string(res))
} else {
fmt.Println("Run bindgen -- obfusticate FAILED")

// lowest_common_multiple: i32, i32 -> i32
res, err = bg.Execute("lowest_common_multiple", int32(123), int32(2))
if err == nil {
num, _ := strconv.ParseInt(string(res), 10, 32)
fmt.Println("Run bindgen -- lowest_common_multiple:", num)
} else {
fmt.Println("Run bindgen -- lowest_common_multiple FAILED")

// sha3_digest: array -> array
res, err = bg.Execute("sha3_digest", []byte("This is an important message"))
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("Run bindgen -- sha3_digest:", res)
} else {
fmt.Println("Run bindgen -- sha3_digest FAILED")

// keccak_digest: array -> array
res, err = bg.Execute("keccak_digest", []byte("This is an important message"))
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("Run bindgen -- keccak_digest:", res)
} else {
fmt.Println("Run bindgen -- keccak_digest FAILED")


Run the WASM app from your Go Host

Before that, make sure you have installed Go, WasmEdge, and WasmEdge Go SDK.

$ cd rust_bindgen_funcs
go build
./bindgen_funcs rust_bindgen_funcs_lib.wasm

The standard output of this example will be the following.

Run bindgen -- create_line: {"points":[{"x":1.5,"y":3.8},{"x":2.5,"y":5.8}],"valid":true,"length":2.2360682,"desc":"A thin red line"}
Run bindgen -- say: hello bindgen funcs test
Run bindgen -- obfusticate: N dhvpx oebja sbk whzcf bire gur ynml qbt
Run bindgen -- lowest_common_multiple: 246
Run bindgen -- sha3_digest: [87 27 231 209 189 105 251 49 159 10 211 250 15 159 154 181 43 218 26 141 56 199 25 45 60 10 20 163 54 211 195 203]
Run bindgen -- keccak_digest: [126 194 241 200 151 116 227 33 216 99 159 22 107 3 177 169 216 191 114 156 174 193 32 159 246 228 245 133 52 75 55 27]

That's it. Next, let's dive into how to pass complex data from host applications to the WASM app.