📄️ WasmEdge Go SDK Introduction
The following is the guide to working with the WasmEdge Go API. You can embed the WasmEdge into your go application through the WasmEdge Go API.
📄️ Embed a standalone WASM app
The WasmEdge Go SDK can embed standalone WebAssembly applications — ie a Rust application with a main() function compiled into WebAssembly.
📄️ Embed WASM Functions
In this example, we will demonstrate how to call a few simple WebAssembly functions from a Go app. The functions are written in Rust, and require complex call parameters and return values. The #[wasmedge_bindgen] macro is needed for the compiler tools to auto-generate the correct code to pass call parameters from Go to WebAssembly.
📄️ Pass complex parameters to WASM functions
An issue with the WebAssembly spec is that it only supports a very limited number of data types. If you want to embed a WebAssembly function with complex call parameters or return values, you must manage memory pointers on Go SDK and WebAssembly function sides.
📄️ AI Inference with TensorFlow
The WasmEdge extensions have been deprecated after the v0.12.1 version. We'll update to use the WasmEdge plug-in in the future.
📄️ Embed a bindgen function
In this example, we will demonstrate how to call a few simple WebAssembly functions from a Go app. The functions are written in Rust, and require complex call parameters and return values. The #[wasmedge_bindgen] macro is needed for the compiler tools to auto-generate the correct code to pass call parameters from Go to WebAssembly.
🗃️ API Reference
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