Develop WASM Apps
A fundamental value proposition of WebAssembly is that it supports multiple programming languages. WebAssembly is a "managed runtime" for many programming languages including C/C++, Rust, Go, and even JavaScript and Python.
- For compiled languages (e.g., C and Rust), WasmEdge WebAssembly provides a safe, secure, isolated, and containerized runtime as opposed to Native Client (NaCl).
- For interpreted or managed languages (e.g., JavaScript and Python), WasmEdge WebAssembly provides a secure, fast, lightweight, and containerized runtime instead of Docker + guest OS + native interpreter.
This chapter will discuss how to compile sources into WebAssembly in different languages and run them in WasmEdge.
- Develop WebAssembly apps from your programming languages from Rust, C/C++, JavaScript, Go, and many other languages.
- Deploy WASM Apps with the existing container toolings
Besides this, we also have two more guides for Embedding WASM Functions and Contributing to WasmEdge.