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WasmEdge Users and Collaborators

This list is constantly being updated. Please submit a PR to add your own item if we missed your use case. We appreciate our community members' contributions. Thank you!

NameDesciptionPR or Docs
WebAssembly Languages Runtime maintained by VMWareUse WasmEdge to run PHP and python programs
Cocos AIWasmEdge is used for Confidential Computing inference of AI workloads in a secure TEE enclave
WikiFunctionsUse WasmEdge to execute serverless functions to be embedded in Wikipedia
LF Edge eKuiperUse WasmEdge to process data streamed from IoT devices
crunUse WasmEdge to run WASM containers
youkiUse WasmEdge to run WASM containers
containerd and runwasiUse WasmEdge to run WASM containers
KuasarUse WasmEdge to run WASM containers
Proxy-wasmUse WASM to process the proxy rules
OpenYurtUse WasmEdge to run WASM containers side by side with Linux containers in an OpenYurt network.
SuperEdgeUse WasmEdge to run WASM containers side by side with Linux containers in a SuperEdge network.
OpenGaussUse WasmEdge to support user-defined functions (UDF) in a database
Essa-raUse WasmEdge to execute serverless functions on the essa-rs platform.
Fedora LinuxIncorporated WasmEdge as an official RPM package since Fedora 37.
PolkadotProvide WasmEdge as a smart contract runtime for parachains, and support WasmEdge as an alternative runtime for substrate nodes.
Apache Traffic ServerUse WasmEdge as a plug-in to process the traffic flow
EnovyUse WasmEdge as a plug-in to process the traffic flow
Liquid ReplyKubernetes operators for managing WasmEdge workloads for customers
DockerUse WasmEdge to support wasm containers in Docker Desktop tools
ByteDanceUse WasmEdge to run custom logic in service mesh proxies and sidecarsInternal use case
ByteDanceUse WasmEdge to run serverless functionsInternal use case
ByteDanceUse WasmEdge as a Ray node
Huawei CloudUse WasmEdge to run Serverless functionsInternal use case
5milesUse WasmEdge to run internal microservicesInternal use case
BytetradeUse WasmEdge to run microservices for automated crypto trading and marketing automationInternal use case
FutureWeiUse WasmEdge on automobile and OpenHarmony
WinSoftUse WasmEdge to improve IDE’s user experience
ParaStateUse WasmEdge to execute smart contracts on the ParaState blockchain
PlurigridUse WasmEdge to run client-side / edge simulations
XRPL LabsUse WasmEdge to execute smart contracts on the Ripple blockchain
API7Run WasmEdge in OpenResty/Nginx
YoMoUse WasmEdge to support user-defined functions (UDF) in streaming data pipelines
libsqlUse WasmEdge to support user-defined functions (UDF) in a database
ShifuUse WasmEdge to support user-defined functions (UDF) in data streams from edge devices
LnjoyingOffers WasmEdge as part of its edge cloud service.Internal use case
Red Hat EPEL 9Offers support for wasmedge packages for Red Hat Linux 9 users
Open InterpreterUse WasmEdge as the LLM runtime
GaiaNetUse WasmEdge as LLM runtime
EigenLayerUse WasmEdge to run an LLM that validates user submitted content
MoXinUse WasmEdge as the LLM runtime
CODA BridgeUse WasmEdge as the container to run microservicesInternal use case
CloudEventsSupport the Rust SDK to be compiled into Wasm so that a Wasm app can send and receive cloud events
KagomeA C++ implementation of Polkadot host which runs Wasm smart contracts on WasmEdge
SealosA Cloud Operating System designed for managing cloud-native applications. It uses WasmEdge to run LLMs locally in its cluster