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Installer V2 Guide


WasmEdge installer V2 is designed for installing the Core Tools (wasmedge, wasmedge compile), the Libraries (libwasmedge), and the WASI-NN GGML/GGUF Plugin..


This is a pure shell script implementation. The only dependecies are curl or wget for downloading the tarballs, and tar for extracting them.


curl -sSf | bash -s -- ${OPTIONS}


The installer entry point.


Help Msg

  • Short Option: -h
  • Full Option: --help
  • Description: Show the help message and exit.


  • Short Option: -V
  • Full Option: --verbose
  • Description: Enable verbosity debug

Specify the version of WasmEdge to install

  • Short Option: -v VERSION
  • Full Option: --version=VERSION
  • Description: Install the given VERSION of WasmEdge
  • Available Value: VERSION {{ wasmedge_version }} or other valid release versions.
  • Note - If supplied an invalid or nonexistent version, the installer exits with an error.

Installation path

  • Short Option: -p PATH
  • Full Option: --path=PATH
  • Description: Install WasmEdge into the given PATH. The default Path is $HOME/.wasmedge.
  • Note - Any paths other than the ones starting with /usr are treated as non-system paths in the internals of the installer. The consequences are different directory structures for both.

Temporary directory

  • Short Option: -t PATH
  • Full Option: --tmpdir=PATH
  • Description: Download the tarballs into the given PATH. The default Path is /tmp.
  • Note - If the /tmp directory is not writable, the installer exits with an error. Please use this option to change the temporary directory.

Install CUDA version of the GGUF plugin

  • Short Option: -c cuda_version
  • Full Option: --ggmlcuda=cuda_version[11/12]
  • Description: Install the specified CUDA version of the GGUF plugin. E.g. 11 for cuda-11, 12 for cuda-12.
  • Note - The installer will try to detect the CUDA version if not specified. However, if the detection failed, you can specify the version using this option.

Specify the plugin version to install

  • Short Option: -b ggmlversion
  • Full Option: --ggmlbn=ggmlversion
  • Description: Install the specified GGUF plugin. E.g. b2963.
  • Note - Please use this option when you really know what you are doing.

Platform and OS

  • Short Option: -o OS
  • Full Option: --os=OS
  • Description: Install the given OS version of WasmEdge. This value should be case insensitive to make the maximum compatibility.
  • Available Value (case insensitive): "Linux", "Darwin".

Machine and Arch

  • Short Option: -a ARCH
  • Full Option: --arch=ARCH
  • Description: Install the ARCH version of WasmEdge.
  • Available Value: "x86_64", "aarch64", "arm64".


  • WasmEdge installation appends all the files it installs to a file which is located in the installer directory named env with its path as $INSTALLATION_PATH/env.

Shell and it's configuration

  • Source string in shell configuration is given as . $INSTALLATION_PATH/env so that it exports the necessary environment variables for WasmEdge.
  • Shell configuration file is appended with source string if it cannot find the source string in that file.
  • Currently, it detects only Bash and zsh shells.
  • If the above shells are found, then their respective configuration files $HOME/.bashrc and $HOME/.zshrc are updated along with $HOME/.zprofile and $HOME/.bash_profile in the case of Linux.
  • In the case of Darwin, only $HOME/.zprofile is updated with the source string.