
CRI-O + crun

Quick start

The GitHub repo contains scripts and GitHub Actions for running our example apps on CRI-O.

In the sections below, we will explain the steps in the quick start scripts.

Install CRI-O

Use the following commands to install CRI-O on your system.

export OS="xUbuntu_20.04"
export VERSION="1.21"
apt update
apt install -y libseccomp2 || sudo apt update -y libseccomp2
echo "deb https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/kubic:/libcontainers:/stable/$OS/ /" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/devel:kubic:libcontainers:stable.list
echo "deb https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/kubic:/libcontainers:/stable:/cri-o:/$VERSION/$OS/ /" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/devel:kubic:libcontainers:stable:cri-o:$VERSION.list

curl -L https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:kubic:libcontainers:stable:cri-o:$VERSION/$OS/Release.key | apt-key add -
curl -L https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/kubic:/libcontainers:/stable/$OS/Release.key | apt-key add -

apt-get update
apt-get install criu libyajl2
apt-get install cri-o cri-o-runc cri-tools containernetworking-plugins
systemctl start crio

Configure CRI-O to use crun

CRI-O uses the runc runtime by default and we need to configure it to use crun instead. That is done by adding to two configuration files.


Before starting the following steps, ensure you have built and installed the crun binary with WasmEdge support.

First, create a /etc/crio/crio.conf file and add the following lines as its content. It tells CRI-O to use crun by default.

default_runtime = "crun"

The crun runtime is in turn defined in the /etc/crio/crio.conf.d/01-crio-runc.conf file.

runtime_path = "/usr/lib/cri-o-runc/sbin/runc"
runtime_type = "oci"
runtime_root = "/run/runc"
# The above is the original content

# Add our crunw runtime here
runtime_path = "/usr/bin/crun"
runtime_type = "oci"
runtime_root = "/run/crun"

Next, restart CRI-O to apply the configuration changes.

systemctl restart crio

Run a simple WebAssembly app

Now, we can run a simple WebAssembly program using CRI-O. A separate article explains how to compile, package, and publish the WebAssembly program as a container image to Docker hub. In this section, we will start pulling this WebAssembly-based container image from the Docker hub using CRI-O tools.

sudo crictl pull docker.io/hydai/wasm-wasi-example:with-wasm-annotation

Next, we must create two simple configuration files that specify how CRI-O should run this WebAssembly image in a sandbox. We already have those two files container_wasi.json and sandbox_config.json. You can download them to your local directory as follows.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/second-state/wasmedge-containers-examples/main/crio/sandbox_config.json
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/second-state/wasmedge-containers-examples/main/crio/container_wasi.json

Now you can use CRI-O to create a pod and a container using the specified configurations.

# Create the POD. The output will be different from the example.
$ sudo crictl runp sandbox_config.json
# Set a helper variable for later use.
$ POD_ID=7992e75df00cc1cf4bff8bff660718139e3ad973c7180baceb9c84d074b516a4

# Create the container instance. The output will be different from the example.
$ sudo crictl create $POD_ID container_wasi.json sandbox_config.json
# Set a helper variable for later use.

Starting the container would execute the WebAssembly program. You can see the output in the console.

# List the container; the state should be `Created`
$ sudo crictl ps -a
1d056e4a8a168 wasmedge/example-wasi:latest About a minute ago Created podsandbox1-wasm-wasi 0 7992e75df00cc

# Start the container
$ sudo crictl start $CONTAINER_ID

# recheck the container status.
# If the container is not finishing its job, you will see the Running state
# Because this example is very tiny. You may see Exited at this moment.
$ sudo crictl ps -a
1d056e4a8a168 wasmedge/example-wasi:latest About a minute ago Running podsandbox1-wasm-wasi 0 7992e75df00cc

# When the container is finished. You can see the state becomes Exited.
$ sudo crictl ps -a
1d056e4a8a168 wasmedge/example-wasi:latest About a minute ago Exited podsandbox1-wasm-wasi 0 7992e75df00cc

# Check the container's logs. It should show outputs from the WebAssembly programs
$ sudo crictl logs $CONTAINER_ID

Test 1: Print Random Number
Random number: 960251471

Test 2: Print Random Bytes
Random bytes: [50, 222, 62, 128, 120, 26, 64, 42, 210, 137, 176, 90, 60, 24, 183, 56, 150, 35, 209, 211, 141, 146, 2, 61, 215, 167, 194, 1, 15, 44, 156, 27, 179, 23, 241, 138, 71, 32, 173, 159, 180, 21, 198, 197, 247, 80, 35, 75, 245, 31, 6, 246, 23, 54, 9, 192, 3, 103, 72, 186, 39, 182, 248, 80, 146, 70, 244, 28, 166, 197, 17, 42, 109, 245, 83, 35, 106, 130, 233, 143, 90, 78, 155, 29, 230, 34, 58, 49, 234, 230, 145, 119, 83, 44, 111, 57, 164, 82, 120, 183, 194, 201, 133, 106, 3, 73, 164, 155, 224, 218, 73, 31, 54, 28, 124, 2, 38, 253, 114, 222, 217, 202, 59, 138, 155, 71, 178, 113]

Test 3: Call an echo function
Printed from wasi: This is from a main function
This is from a main function

Test 4: Print Environment Variables
The env vars are as follows.
PATH: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
TERM: xterm
HOSTNAME: crictl_host
PATH: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
The args are as follows.

Test 5: Create a file `/tmp.txt` with content `This is in a file`

Test 6: Read the content from the previous file
File content is This is in a file

Test 7: Delete the previous file

Next, you can try to run the app in Kubernetes!

Run a HTTP server app

Finally, we can run a simple WebAssembly-based HTTP micro-service in CRI-O. A separate article explains how to compile, package, and publish the WebAssembly program as a container image to Docker hub. In this section, we will start off pulling this WebAssembly-based container image from Docker hub using CRI-O tools.

sudo crictl pull docker.io/avengermojo/http_server:with-wasm-annotation

Next, we must create two simple configuration files that specify how CRI-O should run this WebAssembly image in a sandbox. We already have those two files container_http_server.json and sandbox_config.json. You can download them to your local directory as follows.


The sandbox_config.json file is the same for the simple WASI and HTTP server examples. The other container_*.json file is application specific as it contains the application's Docker Hub URL.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/second-state/wasmedge-containers-examples/main/crio/sandbox_config.json
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/second-state/wasmedge-containers-examples/main/crio/http_server/container_http_server.json

Now you can use CRI-O to create a pod and a container using the specified configurations.

# Create the POD. Output will be different from example.
$ sudo crictl runp sandbox_config.json
# Set a helper variable for later use.
$ POD_ID=7992e75df00cc1cf4bff8bff660718139e3ad973c7180baceb9c84d074b516a4

# Create the container instance. The output will be different from the example.
$ sudo crictl create $POD_ID container_http_server.json sandbox_config.json
# Set a helper variable for later use.

Starting the container would execute the WebAssembly program. You can see the output in the console.

# Start the container
$ sudo crictl start $CONTAINER_ID

# Check the container status. It should be Running.
# If not, wait a few seconds and check again
$ sudo crictl ps -a
4eeddf8613691 wasmedge/example-wasi-http:latest Less than a second ago Running http_server 0 1d84f30e7012e

# Check the container's logs to see if the HTTP server is listening at port 1234
$ sudo crictl logs $CONTAINER_ID
new connection at 1234

# Get the IP address assigned to the container
$ sudo crictl inspect $CONTAINER_ID | grep IP.0 | cut -d: -f 2 | cut -d'"' -f 2

# Test the HTTP service at that IP address
$ curl -d "name=WasmEdge" -X POST
echo: name=WasmEdge

Next, you can run it in Kubernetes!