📄️ Hello World
This chapter will take Hello World as an example to show how to compile a C program to WASM bytecode and run it in WasmEdge.
📄️ Networking Socket
Work in Progress
📄️ Thread
Work in Progress
📄️ WebAssembly SIMD Example in C
128-bit packed Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) instructions provide simultaneous computations over packed data in just one instruction. It's commonly used to improve performance for multimedia applications. With the SIMD proposal, the modules can benefit from using these commonly used instructions in modern hardware to gain more speedup.
📄️ Bpf userspace program example with wasm_bpf plug-in
There is a WasmEdge plug-in called wasm_bpf, which provided APIs to perform operations on eBPF program, such as loading, attaching and polling.