
Build on macOS

Currently, WasmEdge project on MacOS supports both Intel and M1 models. However, we only test and develop on Catalina, Big Sur, and Monterey.

  • Model:
    • Intel (x86_64)
    • M1, M2 (arm64)
  • Operating System
    • Ventura
    • Monterey
    • Big Sur
    • Catalina

If you want to develop WasmEdge on MacOS, please follow this guide to build and test from source code.

Get Source Code

git clone https://github.com/WasmEdge/WasmEdge.git
cd WasmEdge

Requirements and Dependencies

WasmEdge will try to use the latest LLVM release to create our nightly build. If you want to build from source, you may need to install these dependencies yourself.

  • LLVM 16.0.4 (>= 10.0.0)
# Tools and libraries
brew install cmake ninja llvm
export LLVM_DIR="$(brew --prefix)/opt/llvm/lib/cmake"
export CC=clang
export CXX=clang++

Build WasmEdge

Please refer to here for the descriptions of all CMake options.

cmake -Bbuild -GNinja -DWASMEDGE_BUILD_TESTS=ON .
cmake --build build

If you don't want to link LLVM on MacOS dynamically, you can set the option WASMEDGE_LINK_LLVM_STATIC to ON.

Run Tests

The following tests are available only when the build option WASMEDGE_BUILD_TESTS is set to ON.

Users can use these tests to verify the correctness of WasmEdge binaries.

cd build
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd)/lib/api ctest

Known issues

The following tests can not pass on Macos, we are investigating these issues:

  • wasmedgeWasiSocketTests

But we have an open issue working on it. Don't hesitate to leave your feedback for this issue.