
Installer Guide


WasmEdge installer is designed for installing the Core Tools (wasmedge, wasmedge compile), the Libraries (libwasmedge), the Extensions(wasmedge-tensorflow), and the Plugins(wasi-nn, wasi-crytpo).


In the first version of the installer, WasmEdge provides a pure shell script implementation. However, it's not easy to maintain and unsuitable when we want to include the extensions and plugins matrix.

To reduce the maintenance cost and improve the development performance, we decided to move forward to a brand new installer written in python and compatible with both Python 2 and 3.

To be compatible with the old one, we use the same entry point, install.sh.


curl -sSf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WasmEdge/WasmEdge/master/utils/install.sh | bash -s -- ${OPTIONS}



The installer entry point.


  1. Check if the git is installed; otherwise, exit with an error Please install git.
  2. If PYTHON_EXECUTABLE is given, try to use $PYTHON_EXECUTABLE to execute the install.py. Otherwise, go to step 3.
  3. If PYTHON_EXECUTABLE is not set, which command is needed to determine the python-X executable. If it is not found installer exits else, it moves on to the next step.
  4. Check if the python3 is installed. If so, go to step 6. Otherwise, go to step 5.
  5. Check if the python2 is installed. If so, go to step 6. Otherwise, go to step 6.
  6. Check if the python is installed. If so, go to step 7. Otherwise, exit with an error Please install python or provide python path via $PYTHON_EXECUTABLE.
  7. Print the detected python version Using Python: $PYTHON_EXECUTABLE.
  8. Download install.py with curl or wget. If the URL of install.py is unreachable due to a network issue, exit with an error $INSTALL_PY_URL not reachable. If the curl and wget are unavailable, exit with an error curl or wget could not be found.
  9. Execute the install.py with all received arguments.


The actual installer handles all stuff. It supports python2.7 (not tested on earlier versions) and the latest python versions python3.x.


Help Msg

  • Short Option: -h
  • Full Option: --help
  • Description: Show this help message and exit.


  • Short Option: -D
  • Full Option: --debug
  • Description: Enable verbosity debug

Specify the version of WasmEdge to install

  • Short Option: -v VERSION
  • Full Option: --version VERSION
  • Description: Install the given VERSION of WasmEdge
  • Available Value: VERSION {{ wasmedge_version }} or other valid release versions.
  • Note - If supplied an invalid or nonexistent version, the installer exists with an error.

Installation path

  • Short Option: -p PATH
  • Full Option: --path PATH
  • Description: Install WasmEdge into the given PATH. The default Path is $HOME/.wasmedge.
  • Note - Any paths other than the ones starting with /usr are treated as non-system paths in the internals of the installer. The consequences are different directory structures for both.
  • Note - If the path not exists, the folder will be created.


Run uninstaller before installing

  • Short Option: -r {yes,no}
  • Full Option: --remove-old {yes, no}
  • Description: Run the uninstaller script before installing. Default yes.

Use a specific version of the uninstaller

  • Short Option: -u UNINSTALL_SCRIPT_TAG
  • Full Option: --uninstall-script-tag UNINSTALL_SCRIPT_TAG
  • Description: Use the given GitHub tag to uninstall the script

Install Extensions

  • Short Option: -e [EXTENSIONS [EXTENSIONS ...]]
  • Full Option: --extension [EXTENSIONS [EXTENSIONS ...]]
  • Description: Install wasmedge-extension tools.
  • Available Value (case sensitive): Supported Extensions 'tensorflow', 'image', 'all'.

Tensorflow Extensions Library Version

  • Full Option: --tf-version TF_VERSION
  • Description: Install the given VERSION of the library of the Tensorflow and Tensorflow lite extension. Only available when the Extensions is set to all or tensorflow.
  • Note - It's the same as the WasmEdge version if not specified.

Tensorflow Extensions Dependencies Version

  • Full Option: --tf-deps-version TF_DEPS_VERSION
  • Description: Install the given VERSION of the dependencies of the Tensorflow and Tensorflow lite extension. Only available when the Extensions is set to all or tensorflow.
  • Note - It's the same as the WasmEdge version if not specified.

Tensorflow Extensions Tools Version

  • Full Option: --tf-tools-version TF_TOOLS_VERSION
  • Description: Install the given VERSION of the tools of the Tensorflow and Tensorflow lite extension. Only available when the Extensions is set to all or tensorflow.
  • Note - It's the same as the WasmEdge version if not specified.

Image Extensions Version

  • Full Option: --image-version IMAGE_VERSION
  • Description: Install the given VERSION of the Image extension. Only available when the Extensions is set to all or image.
  • Note - It's the same as the WasmEdge version if not specified.


  • Note - Currently, --plugins is an experimental option.

  • Full Option: --plugins wasi_crypto:0.12.0

  • Note - The format for this argument is <plugin_name>:<version_number>. <version_number> is not compulsory. For example, --plugins wasi_crypto is a valid option.

  • Note - <plugin_name> is cases sensitive. Allowed values are stated here in the Rust Crate column. The logic is that the release name should be the same.

  • Note - It's the same as the WasmEdge version if not specified.


  • Full Option: --dist ubuntu20.04 or --dist manylinux2014
  • Note - the ubuntu20.04 and manylinux2014 values are case insensitive and only these two are currently supported.
  • Note - Specifying --dist value for Darwin has no effect.
  • Note - For Linux platform if the distribution matches exactly as Ubuntu 20.04, which is checked using lsb_release and python's platform.dist() functionality is then set to ubuntu20.04 if not specified, or it is used without questioning. However different release packages for WasmEdge are available only after 0.11.1 release, below which there is no effect of specifying this option.

Platform and OS

  • Full Option: --platform PLATFORM or --os OS
  • Description: Install the given PLATFORM or OS version of WasmEdge. This value should be case insensitive to make the maximum compatibility.
  • Available Value (case insensitive): "Linux", "Darwin", "Windows".

Machine and Arch

  • Full Option: --machine MACHINE or --arch ARCH
  • Description: Install the MACHINE or ARCH version of WasmEdge.
  • Available Value: "x86_64", "aarch64".


  • If an installation exists at $HOME/.wasmedge, to be noted as the default installation path, it is removed with or without the uninstaller's invocation.
  • WasmEdge installation appends all the files it installs to a file which is located in the installer directory named env with its path as $INSTALLATION_PATH/env.

Shell and it's configuration

  • Source string in shell configuration is given as . $INSTALLATION_PATH/env so that it exports the necessary environment variables for WasmEdge.
  • Shell configuration file is appended with source string if it cannot find the source string in that file.
  • Currently, it detects only Bash and zsh shells.
  • If the above shells are found, then their respective configuration files $HOME/.bashrc and $HOME/.zshrc are updated along with $HOME/.zprofile and $HOME/.bash_profile in the case of Linux.
  • In the case of Darwin, only $HOME/.zprofile is updated with the source string.