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WasmEdge C SDK Introduction

The WasmEdge C API denotes an interface to embed the WasmEdge runtime into a C program. The following is the quick start guide for working with the C APIs of WasmEdge. For the details of the WasmEdge C API, please refer to the complete documentation. Before programming with the WasmEdge C API, please install WasmEdge first.

The WasmEdge C API is also the fundamental API for other languages' SDK.


For all WASM example codes used in this chapter, users can convert wat to wasm through wat2wasm live tool.

Quick Start Guide for the WasmEdge Runner

The following is an example of running a WASM file. Assume that the WASM file fibonacci.wasm is copied into the current directory, and the C file test_wasmedge.c is as follows: Please Note: In the example directory, fibonacci.wat file is provided and users should convert it into corresponding wasm file using WABT tool

#include <wasmedge/wasmedge.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int Argc, const char* Argv[]) {
/* Create the configure context and add the WASI support. */
/* This step is not necessary unless you need WASI support. */
WasmEdge_ConfigureContext *ConfCxt = WasmEdge_ConfigureCreate();
WasmEdge_ConfigureAddHostRegistration(ConfCxt, WasmEdge_HostRegistration_Wasi);
/* The configure and store context to the VM creation can be NULL. */
WasmEdge_VMContext *VMCxt = WasmEdge_VMCreate(ConfCxt, NULL);

/* The parameters and returns arrays. */
WasmEdge_Value Params[1] = { WasmEdge_ValueGenI32(32) };
WasmEdge_Value Returns[1];
/* Function name. */
WasmEdge_String FuncName = WasmEdge_StringCreateByCString("fib");
/* Run the WASM function from file. */
WasmEdge_Result Res = WasmEdge_VMRunWasmFromFile(VMCxt, Argv[1], FuncName, Params, 1, Returns, 1);

if (WasmEdge_ResultOK(Res)) {
printf("Get result: %d\n", WasmEdge_ValueGetI32(Returns[0]));
} else {
printf("Error message: %s\n", WasmEdge_ResultGetMessage(Res));

/* Resources deallocations. */
return 0;

Then you can compile and run: (the 32th fibonacci number is 3524578 in 0-based index)

$ gcc test_wasmedge.c -lwasmedge -o test_wasmedge
$ ./test_wasmedge fibonacci.wasm
Get result: 3524578

Quick Start Guide for the WasmEdge AOT compiler

Assume that the WASM file fibonacci.wasm is copied into the current directory, and the C file test_wasmedge_compiler.c is as follows: Please Note: In the example directory, fibonacci.wat file is provided and users should convert it into corresponding wasm file using WABT tool

#include <wasmedge/wasmedge.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int Argc, const char* Argv[]) {
/* Create the configure context. */
WasmEdge_ConfigureContext *ConfCxt = WasmEdge_ConfigureCreate();
/* ... Adjust settings in the configure context. */
/* Result. */
WasmEdge_Result Res;

/* Create the compiler context. The configure context can be NULL. */
WasmEdge_CompilerContext *CompilerCxt = WasmEdge_CompilerCreate(ConfCxt);
/* Compile the WASM file with input and output paths. */
Res = WasmEdge_CompilerCompile(CompilerCxt, Argv[1], Argv[2]);
if (!WasmEdge_ResultOK(Res)) {
printf("Compilation failed: %s\n", WasmEdge_ResultGetMessage(Res));
return 1;

return 0;

Then you can compile and run (the output file is fibonacci_aot.wasm):

$ gcc test_wasmedge_compiler.c -lwasmedge -o test_wasmedge_compiler
$ ./test_wasmedge_compiler fibonacci.wasm fibonacci_aot.wasm
[2021-07-02 11:08:08.651] [info] compile start
[2021-07-02 11:08:08.653] [info] verify start
[2021-07-02 11:08:08.653] [info] optimize start
[2021-07-02 11:08:08.670] [info] codegen start
[2021-07-02 11:08:08.706] [info] compile done

The compiled WASM file can be used as a WASM input for the WasmEdge runner. The following is the comparison of the interpreter mode and the AOT mode:

$ time ./test_wasmedge fibonacci.wasm
Get result: 5702887

real 0m2.715s
user 0m2.700s
sys 0m0.008s

$ time ./test_wasmedge fibonacci_aot.wasm
Get result: 5702887

real 0m0.036s
user 0m0.022s
sys 0m0.011s

API References
